Win The Children Creative Ministry Programs To Share The Gospel Children's Ministry Programs (Matthew 19:14) Creative Youth Ministry Programs (Matthew 22:9) Juvenile Detention Services (Matthew 25:40) Preaching In The Jails & Prisons (Luke 4:18) Christian Author & Publisher (Psalm 26:7) Sending KJV Bibles Into The Prisons (Acts 13:49)
Dr. Dennis C. Regling Piedmont Christian Ministries P.O.Box 118; Piedmont, Ohio 43983 Telephone: (800) 858-5402
"Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him." Acts 28:31
Children are without a doubt the world's most fruitful mission field. They are the most responsive to the gospel today because they are searching for love, acceptance, security and forgiveness. The Lord Jesus Christ provides all of these.
Children for the most part are not hardened from indulgence in deep sin. These youngsters are open, tender, trusting, receptive and are usually willing to admit their sin, accept Christ's forgiveness and trust in His Word. But like everyone else, "They will not seek, they must be sought. They will not come, they must be brought.They will not learn, they must be taught."
Our burden is to help equip the local church in children's ministry so that the greatest number of souls can be saved in these last days.
85% of the people who respond to Christ are between the ages of 5 and 14. Childhood is the greatest opportunity we have to make a powerful, lasting impact in our homes, nation, and the world.
Other studies observed that: In the US, 90% of all pastors and missionaries got to know the Lord while they were children, and had a responsibility in church while they were children.
Many prominent Christians were saved as children. Matthew Henry was saved at age ten; Isaac Watts at age nine; Jonathan Edwards at age seven; the list goes on and on.The good seed of God's Word can be planted into children's minds and hearts so that an abundant harvest will be reaped.
The Christian churches lose more children of Christian parents, than they gain new converts by means of evangelistic efforts.
It is important to reach adults with the Gospel. Godly parents raise Godly children. Unfortunately, not all parents are Godly. For the last 20 years I have preached in juvenile detention centers, county jails and state prisons. As God opens the doors, I will continue to do so, but I would rather get the children and the teens before they get arrested.
God has burdened my heart for the young people today. My wife and I love nothing more than sharing God's Word and God's love with children and teens. We have ministered at Vacation Bible School programs, Family Crusades, Bible Camps and Special Events.
We use preaching, puppets and songs, surprising object lessons (many of them look just like magic tricks), balloon animals, and many other very visual tools to convey messages children understand, yet the adults will find equally captivating and enlightening.
We are able to minister
to all ages in attendance.
What is the cost? We put no price on the Gospel. We are happy to help any church of any size. You have no budget for an evangelist? Then you need to call us today. We leave our financial needs in the hands of the Lord.
I invite you to explore this site and see what our Lord is doing, and how you may become involved. If I may be a blessing to you in anyway, please do not hesitate to ask. I remain your servant in Christ, because of his blood and his book, Dennis Regling, saved
All Scriptures on these pages, and in literature produced by Piedmont
Christian Ministries, are from the King James Bible.
Is not my word like... a HAMMER that
breaketh the rock in pieces? --THE LORD, Jeremiah 23:29